Posts tagged consulting

Event Design Tip: Think Like A Consultant

I was introduced to this blog by my PR advisor and professor, Kelli Matthews, at the School of Journalism and Communication. This particular post provided me with excellent insight into what it is that I think I want to do. It concerns design in business generally, but I would venture it applies perfectly well to the field of event design. The author, Neil Tortorella, discusses the virtues of thinking and working like a consultant with clients, rather than taking on projects on a one-shot basis. Tortorella explains:

“The thing is, just because a client asks for a whatever, it doesn’t necessarily mean that’s what they really need. By asking questions and digging deep, you can offer ideas that will help your clients meet their goals. You add value to your relationship. You become a needed resource.”
I certainly agree; taking a step back to really evaluate the client’s position, rather than just drafting up a proposal to meet their request, will likely yield more fruitful results, both for the designer AND the client. In turn, this may generate a stronger, mutually-beneficial, and potentially long-term business relationship – something I aspire to continually pursue in my future career.

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