
Nonprofit Fundraising Letter and Sponsorship Levels* – Brief letter targeted to a strategically-matched corporation soliciting sponsorship for a nonprofit event/program. 

Shareholder Letter* – Written on behalf of the CEO of a large multinational corporation to support its 2006 annual report.

Feature Article*- Contributed article written on behalf of a mid-market real estate developer for a trade publication. 

Mexico Mission personal solicitation letter – This is an example of the letter I write annually to help raise money from friends and family to cover some of my expenses while I travel to Mexico to build homes for impoverished families. I work through Amor Ministries, which coordinates missions trips with churches and other groups.

“Ballet Fantastique: Tchaikovsky to Tango” program – This program was one page, front and back, tri-fold. I designed it as part of my work as an intern and board member for Ballet Fantastique

Ballet Fantastique’s “A Night in Casablanca” program and auction guide – I wrote and designed this program and auction guide for the organization’s 2007 annual fall fundraiser, which I helped coordinate. The program was one page, front and back, folded lengthwise, with an insert outlining the evening’s schedule (not included).

Images of “A Night in Casablanca,” courtesy of Woden Photography: 

Strategy/brand book for Arm & Hammer re-branding (for academic purposes only): As an assignment, students selected a brand whose positioning they believed could be improved. We were limited to 5-10 images or other items. I included actual spruce needles and peppermint essence (on separate pages) to further convey a sense of natural freshness.

Podcast* – 7 minute podcast providing information about research in special events and development.

CSR Presentation* – A 10 minute presentation (slide deck and audio) designed to be given on behalf of a large corporation, focusing on their corporate social responsibility efforts.  

* These assignments were created as part of a student project for J452: Advanced Public Relations Writing. This information in no way is meant to represent the company and is for academic purposes only. If you have a questions about this project, please contact Instructor Kelli Matthews at kmatthew(at)uoregon.edu

More to come as I transition materials to digital formats…

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